Lots of kids are home from school for a few weeks due to the corona virus situation. And the idea of trying to keep them entertained for a few weeks, and not being able to go places with them, may be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. If anyone knows how to entertain kids at home, its homeschooling parents. Ha.
Make the best out of the situation and view this time as a good opportunity to bond with your children. Spend quality time with them. Don’t just stick them in front of a TV, but do things with them. And obviously, practice good hygiene and stay healthy.
I came up with a list of things you can do with your kids to help you out a little. Some things, you have to purchase. But things like this, things that will spark creativity, create memories, good bonding time, are worth it!
What you can do with your kids at home:
- Arts & Crafts.
These boxes come with everything you need and have a ton of different projects and will keep you busy for hours.

These are good for older kids :

- Create some art for your windows

- Paint some rocks

- Make your own magnets for the fridge

- Teach some embroidery and maybe even do it yourself

- Make a quilt (this one is super easy. No sewing required)

- Make some fun robots (these are really fun because they actually move when you’re done with them)

- Design cool experiment with Legos

- Buy a science kit and do some fun science projects. Kids love these.

- Play board games

This drill set can be hours of entertainment for the little ones:

Another fun skill building activity for the littles:

Other things you can do without having to purchase anything:
- Build a fort or get under the table and read books using a flashlight.
- Get a bunch of books from the library and just sit and read them all.
- Read chapter books to them using different voices and dramatization. Even if they can read well, its fun to listen to someon else read sometimes.
- Teach them to cook, have them cook all the meals with you, teach them and have them help.
- Go for walks and explore nature.
- Write letters to grandparents or friends and mail them out. Imagine how excited they will be to get something in the mail that’s not just bills and ads.
- Create videos. Do questionaires, like interview style. How fun will it to watch those back years later?!
- If they’re into Legos, this is a good time to get them a new set. One that would take a while to build.
Having kids home all day doesn’t have to be torture. Create some sort of a schedule, not a super strict one and preferably with the kids, getting their opinions, of the activities/chores that you plan to do. Kids are much better when they know what’s happening next. They love routines. And you, as the parent, will be less stressed out. Enjoy your children. They’ll never be this age again.
I would love to hear your ideas of things you like to do with your kids. I know y’all are full of them. Leave them in the comments below.