Things to do With Your Kids When Stuck at Home

Lots of kids are home from school for a few weeks due to the corona virus situation. And the idea of trying to keep them entertained for a few weeks, and not being able to go places with them, may be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. If anyone knows how to entertain kids at home, its homeschooling parents. Ha.

Make the best out of the situation and view this time as a good opportunity to bond with your children. Spend quality time with them. Don’t just stick them in front of a TV, but do things with them. And obviously, practice good hygiene and stay healthy.

I came up with a list of things you can do with your kids to help you out a little. Some things, you have to purchase. But things like this, things that will spark creativity, create memories, good bonding time, are worth it!

What you can do with your kids at home:
  • Arts & Crafts.

These boxes come with everything you need and have a ton of different projects and will keep you busy for hours.

Buy it here
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How to Get Your Kids to Eat Anything

We all know about picky eaters. Some of us have one, or two, or all of them. It can be frustrating when all your kid wants is chicken nuggets or cereal, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nothing else. But we want our children to be healthy, so we try to get them to eat some veggies. We bribe. We beg. We try to sneak it in. But they still refuse.

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Your Kids Need to be Part of the Crew and Not the Passengers

We all love our children and cannot imgaine our life without them. But how often do we feel like they are in the way? Or that they make our life more difficult?

  • We tell them to go play because we are busy right now.
  • We get mad at them for being disruptive and interferring our work.
  • We work all day and then come home, exhausted, snapping at them for any irritating little thing they do, even if it’s normal child behaviour.
  • We demand that they help with house work, but they whine and complain about it, so we get irritated and then they don’t like us and grudgingly drag their feet while doing what we asked, if that.
  • They come to us and ask us to take them somewhere or do something with them, but it’s at a bad time and we are so busy right now, so we say we’ll do it later.
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Are Video Games Really Worth It?

Have you ever began playing a game telling yourself that you will only play for 10, 20, 30 minutes and 3 hours later, you wonder how in the world time flew by so quick? Video games have this effect on you. It’s just so exciting. You get a thrill from passing a level, and after you pass, you want to now try and pass the next one. Or if you’re playing with other people, you want to beat them. You want to be the winner.

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