A New Adventure

‘I am perfect.’


I am nowhere near perfect. Maybe there are people that are close, or at least make it seem like they are. But nobody is there.

For me, there is not a single area of my life that does not need work on. I could use improvement in everything. Some areas way more than others. I personally believe that you can be great at something, and still find ways to get even better. And, honestly, I feel like there is never a time when one can say, “Okay, I’m good. This is the best that it can get.” (To me that sounds more like giving up). I feel like there is ALWAYS, be it little or a lot, room for improvement.

I am not that great at a lot of things, but the one thing that I’m happy I have, is the desire to learn about and look for ways I can become better. A better person, better wife, better mom, better friend/sister/daughter, better cook, housekeeper, host, decorator… The list goes on and on… I’ve been slowly working on myself for years, but for some reason, within the last year or so, I’ve gotten this desire to step it up a notch. Like “get it together, missy”. I’ve had phases where I would be doing really well and then start slacking, until it gets overwhelming, then I’d try again and slack again. And I know that that’s just the way life is, a roller coaster ride, but I feel like I can do better. The ups can be higher. The slacking phase/being lazy/coming up with a bunch of excuses, doesn’t have to last as long as I would sometimes let it.



**** drum roll please ****

Is where the idea of starting a blog came in. I decided if I sit down and write about the things I’m working on, it will, hopefully, help keep me motivated to keep it up. It’s almost like an accountability partner. And, usually, when I sit and ponder on things, that is when I get loads of ideas and get inspired to do things. So I thought, if I write(or in this case type) it out, it would help me a ton. And then I thought, well if there’s people out there that could also be inspired and motivated by reading about my experiences, then that’s a DOUBLE WIN. So here I am, embarking on this somewhat really scary/nerve-wracking but super exciting adventure, but I hope it can keep me going, mostly forward, and maybe even help someone else. Happy reading!


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