Parenting Book Recommendations

It is extremely important to me for a book to align with my Christian values. The parenting advice needs to be based on the Bible and its teaching. I want my children to be brought up in a godly way, so that they live their life righteously and never steer off the right path. I also what them to grow up to be good people that love and care for others, as well as someone I can be friends with. 😛 I’ve read numerous books and still have more on my list to read. You should never stop seeking knowledge.

Here is a list of books that I have read and would recommend:

**clicking on either the book or the title will take you to amazon where you can purchase them, if you’d like

Both of these books by Dr. James Dobson, Bringing Up Boys and Bringing Up Girls are awesome in helping  you understand the overall mentality and how the brains of boys vs girls work and what they each need from you as a their parent. Highly recommend.

Being a Great Mom Raising Great Kids by Sharon Jaynes is about how to be a godly mother based on Proverbs 31. This author also writes really good books on marriage as well as personal spiritual growth.

To Train Up a Child by Michael & Debi Pearl, is about training your children to be obedient and know their boundaries before the issues of disobedience occurs, and to do it with love, never with anger. It’s all based on the verse in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go…” This book is great and is applicable from the time your baby is an infant. *This is the book that I bought in the audio version for my husband to listen to. 

Training Children to Be Strong in Spirit is another one by Michael Pearl that helps you teach kids how to believe in themselves and grow up to become respectable and loved people.

Start With the Heart, by Kathy Koch, is the most recent one I’ve read, I’m actually just finishing it, but it is amazing at explaining how to better your kids character and how to help them be kind, and just overall good-hearted people.


Other books I have read and loved:

Jumping Ship by Michael Pearl

  • This book is focused on how to keep your kids from having an urge to be rebellious when they reach their teens and to not have a desire to just ditch you  and your ways once they become legal “adults”

Raising Children Who Think For Themselves by Elisa Medhus, M.D.

  • This one’s about how to raise kids that are internally motivated vs. externally motivated. So, teaching them to not be easily persuaded by other people(ie. peer pressure) or want to do things based off what other people expect, but to make good choices because they want to do what is right because it makes them feel good about it, I hope that makes sense. LOL (This is the only one on this list that is not biblically based. But the idea that it is teaching is a great value that us Christians need to have, and not just children but adults as well)

Raising Kids You Actually Like by Sheila Wray Gregoire

  • The title says it all 😛

The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell

  • We all know about the love languages and this book is geared toward children and showing your kids love in their language. #candy

I hope you found this list helpful, and maybe even get a book or two for yourself to read. I’m a huge fan of always learning. And yes, the Bible is the number one book you should be reading paired with prayer for advice for any and every part of your life, but it helps so much to see examples of the way these verses are applied in everyday life.

Leave me a comment and tell me what book you’re looking forward to reading? Or have you read one of these already, if so, which one and what did you think of it?

5 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I’m currently reading The Strong Willed child by Dobson and the boys and girls books are next on my list 😉
    Also, I don’t see any books by Kevin Leman on your list..have you read any of his? The Birth Order Book was a major eye opener for me! Also currently reading his What a Difference a Mom Makes and it’s pretty good too 🙂 love his psychologist perspective!

    1. I actually have not read any Kevin Leman books. Thank you for your suggestions! I will definitely check them out.

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