There is No Replacement

Vulnerable post right here šŸ˜¬. This is something hard to admit but its the reality. I’m not a perfect person and I have issues.

Thereā€™s something special about having a sister as a best friend. She was only a year older than me, we got married 3 months apart from each other, and had kids at almost the same time. She loved my kids like her own and I loved hers like mine. She was the first to volunteer to help me with anything I needed and we talked to each other about everything. We had our differences and would argue at times, but would quickly let the differences go and end on good terms.

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Things to do With Your Kids When Stuck at Home

Lots of kids are home from school for a few weeks due to the corona virus situation. And the idea of trying to keep them entertained for a few weeks, and not being able to go places with them, may be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. If anyone knows how to entertain kids at home, its homeschooling parents. Ha.

Make the best out of the situation and view this time as a good opportunity to bond with your children. Spend quality time with them. Don’t just stick them in front of a TV, but do things with them. And obviously, practice good hygiene and stay healthy.

I came up with a list of things you can do with your kids to help you out a little. Some things, you have to purchase. But things like this, things that will spark creativity, create memories, good bonding time, are worth it!

What you can do with your kids at home:
  • Arts & Crafts.

These boxes come with everything you need and have a ton of different projects and will keep you busy for hours.

Buy it here
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Teach your kids to work

kids sitting in leaves

Do you struggle with not allowing your kids to do certain things because they’re too young, they’re super sloppy, or they’ll make a mess? Would you rather do the thing yourself just to save the hassle of extra clean up or having something look sloppy? Do you struggle with perfectionism, like I did? Well, let me tell ya, if you want your kids doing anything in the kitchen, or making their own bed, or folding their own laundry(maybe even yours), then that perfectionism has got to go. (You can let it come back maybe after the kids are out of the house). I have a tendency to be a perfectionist, but I’ve made myself work on tuning it out for the sake of Ā letting my kids learn and grow.

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Parenting Book Recommendations

It is extremely important to me for a book to align with my Christian values. The parenting advice needs to be based on the Bible and its teaching. I want my children to be brought up in a godly way, so that they live their life righteously and never steer off the right path. I also what them to grow up to be good people that love and care for others, as well as someone I can be friends with. šŸ˜› I’ve read numerous books and still have more on my list to read. You should never stop seeking knowledge.

Here is a list of books that I have read and would recommend:

**clicking on either the book or the title will take you to amazon where you can purchase them, if you’d like

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Parenting Doesn’t Come Easy

People often tell me Iā€™m lucky. When they see my kids helping me in the kitchen or cook on their own, when they hear that my kids do their own laundry, when they see my kids behave while I shop, when they hear my kids eat veggies!!! They say, “Wow, you’re so lucky that your kids do that”. And it makes me wanna scream! Its not luck! Yes, Iā€™m blessed to have kids. But I was given kids just as you were given kids. Iā€™m not special.
Itā€™s not luck.Ā I didn’t have them just dropped onto my lap all perfect (well they kind of were in the beginning). But itā€™s not like my kids have a special ā€œgood kidā€ gene from somewhere.

kids doing crafts with kiwi crates

Every human is born into this world with a selfish, sinful nature and we, the parents, get to have this wonderful privilege to raise them right.

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Our Turks and Caicos Review and Our Experience

I’ve seen people on trips in Turks and Caicos and on my bucket list it went, wishing I could to go there someday. Well, we were reaching our 10 year wedding anniversary and I thought, THIS IS THE DAY! Grace Bay Beach, in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos, is one of the best beaches in the world, so heck yes!

grace bay beach best beaches in turks and caicos

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5 Ways to be a Great Friend

We all want to have friends. Good friends. Proverbs 27:9(MSG) says, “…a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”Ā  It sure does. Good friends are sometimes hard to find, though. We can not control the way other people are, but we do have control over the way we are. So, I think we should focus more on being the best friends that we can be and less on wishing/hoping for someone else to be a good friend to us.

Here are just a few ideas on way you can be a better friend to your friends.

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Be grateful

I sometimes catch myself being really whiny and complaining… in my head… to myself. I was getting ready for bed one night and was thinking aboutĀ  how a lot of the things that I wanted to do that day, DIDN’T GET DONE! There are just so many things that need to get done on a daily basis, and not only need, but also things I simply want to do on top of that…

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